Little Jesus and Mother Marry

Little Jesus sleeps,
mother Marry keeps,
though she knows,
the savior of the world,
has no needs.

but still she keeps,
a pot full of water,
in case he wakes up,
at mid of the night,
and he is thirsty.

still she keeps
cups of fresh juices,
a basket of fruits,
milk and cereals,
in case he gets up
at midnight hour,
and he is hungry.

still she keeps
a candle, a matchstick
a lamp with the
finest wick,
so that he does not
get to see the dark,
in case he wakes up
before the dawn.

still she keeps a
a holy book,
a holy stone given
to her by a saint,
and prayer on her lips,
to guard against witches,
which at the hands of evil,
may any moment turn on.

And Little Jesus,
is well aware of,
what the mother
is going through,
but still he lets her,
because he knows,

Then one day,
as his little babe,
he walks in her,
mid noon dreams,
and shows to her,
how he is controlling
the whole universe,

how he is keeping
the planets in motion,
how he is making
the rivers flow,
how he is keeping
each mans heart,
how he is making
the plants grow.

mother Marry is
joyous to see all this,
and feels an,
eternal joy and bliss,
ans she is now
even more assured
one day through the
little hands of his babe
the world will be cured.

But the times passes,
and changes from
noon to dawn,
dawn to night,
mother Marry still
does not sleeps,
she keeps and keeps.