
Dedicated to Professor Valery Legasov, written while watching Chernobyl TV Series
They have one or two coats,
they earn enough but not lot,
often little shy and secluded,
but they know a lot and lot,
to ascend to the highest
and deepest level of thought,
to improve the life of the
common and general lot,
to uncover the hidden truths,
to explore, to search, to find,
countless hours, with love and
patience, they work and grind,
and whenever something
marvellous they hit and find,
without any desire of price,
they lay it bare to the mankind,
a little bit of recognition,
a little bit of love and respect,
is all in return what they ask for,
let's all atleast be grateful,
let's all atleast be thankful,
to these people wonderful,
even if we can't do anything more.